Thursday, June 07, 2007


As I mentioned in my previous entry...I read about this monk in an article from The Starmag (Sunday, June 3rd). Ok..I shall be HONEST..the catchy title that says "Model Monk" caught my attention and of course..the good looks. I did not believe that such a handsome monk exists.

As I read on..I find the article more & more interesting. His life story, his believes, his styles, etc. I did mention in my previous entry about his life story. The part where his guru said this - " need to let I go. You need to look at the positive things and not just the negative...." - this part really touched my heart.

The article introduced his website at and his centre's website at

A while ago, I entered the sites with the intention learn more about his teachings. But his good looks caught my attention more wor :p You tell me can a monk be so handsome. I may drop by the centre one day, it's in Sunway Mas Commercial Centre - one of my favourite makan place, who knows I may bump into him ler. ANd then, I will be torn between learning dharma and his good looks - DUH!

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  1. beh tahan u nia :D i've read a book by a gorgeous looking monk last year also.. well, the look does play a role. hehe

  2. helo u r going to pursue ur spiritual growth or to 'look' at ahemahem.......???!!???!!! lol

  3. Aiyoh like that all the good dharma you learnt will be undone lor coz your intention not sincere leh........;)

    Eh but then ho, he is a monk wo, kenot hv partner one wo, so how?
