Thursday, February 18, 2010

So far ..not so good

Forth day of CNY just ended. How's your CNY so far?

I bet most will agree that it has been an extremely hot year of the Tiger. So hot that..I was worried that my car will melt out there. And..being somewhat sick on and off didn't help at all. From a a sore throat + cough. fever..just irritatingly uncomfortable, disrupting my favourite past time - snacking on CNY goodies and working out. Was at the gym yesterday..torturous -.- On the 2nd day, I had to deal with another additional problem. Some mysterious itchy bumps appeared on my thighs and legs all of a sudden. Still donno what's the cause.  I only had one coclusion....they only appear when I'm home.  Disappear when I leave home.

I'm allergic to my own home.

How's that!

AM scratching away while typing this.
May go see a doctor..if they appear again tomorrow.
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