Wednesday, April 18, 2007


It's all about having good BALANCE.

Balanced diet. Balanced thoughts. Balanced work. Etc etc..

I've been monitoring my blog entries. Out of the 90 odd entries, I have 20 odd each about ME, Jokes and Health. 12 on Complaints. Another 12 simply 'trash talking'. Others are about Doctor, Life, Friends, Family,,,etc etc. These tells me the state of mind I am in most of the time which is also reflective of my life. So LAME.

It would so nice if I have more thoughts on a variety of topics...e.g. books, politics, travelling, food, etc.

Best Blog Tips


  1. It's interesting. In fact, ancient chinese people have found it already. balance is the key idear of confucianism which is the traditional philosophy of China.

  2. i think OK ah. it seems simple and sounds nice to me. you know what they say... simple is good. most of all, u seem in quite good mood, except those little incidents that 'bound' to happen and annoy you! haha! boleh la.. why want a complicated and exciting life ah?

  3. Wld be glad to chip in topics on books and travelling!
