Saturday, November 14, 2009

As they see it

I couldn't decide whether I should blog about a kiddie blog or my new buy :-p Yes..I spent again. Will leave that for next entry..if I don't change my mind.

As We See It is a blog from four adorable kids, my friend's children.

It's been founded for about a week now and I find it increasingly therapeutic to read.  The blog is shared by the four siblings aged between 7 to 12.  Haha...ya..quite a wide range. can be quite challenging to the mind especially when you have to read four different entries (at one go) written by a seven, then a nine, then a ten, then a twelve year old.  Basically one has to adjust the mind set accordingly when reading different entries.

Click on will know what I mean :-)

Quite a fun 'place' to visit after a long day in the adult world.  Brings us back to kiddie land where FUN is all there is ...ahhhh....bliss.'s a sneak peek into what I bought today ;-P

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