Monday, December 24, 2012

Missing Hellos

A typical telephone conversation with my dad goes like this..
(It was Christmas Eve)

(Translate to Cantonese for better effect :P)
R i i n n g..R i i n n g...
Dad : What ah..
Me: Tonight we go out for dinner ah?

Dad : Go out dinner ah..ok la..
Me : Ok.

C l i c k..END OF CALL.

Where are the Hellos :D
We are humans of few words, you see..

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  1. Hellos are not important, most important is that you and your Dad are communicating :)

  2. Our family tradition.....must say goodbye before hanging up if not the other party will be super sore! One time I forgot, ther party on the line called me back n gave me an ear of u knw wat la!
