Friday, March 01, 2013

My Amazing Friend

Whenever we, friends, sit down together, typically women, we'd start sharing the latest news in our life, work, family, kids, babies, husbands bla bla bla.

More often than not, we'd talk / bitch about our little problems ...just for the sake of releasing some stress, supposedly.  That's what friends are for anyway.

I just had a good catch up session just now.  It's been some time since January.  As usual, we started catching up asking each other about work, life, family, etc.

Then, we startted catching on this friend who's been going through a rough time since CNY.  In short, her mom who has a pre-existing Parkinson's condition had a fall in Dec/Jan, went for a hip replacement surgery just before CNY, after surgery there was a drastic behaviour change that indicated signs of advanced Alzheimer & Dementia.  Doctors couldn't explain the reason behind the drastic change.

Since then it's been a roller coaster ride.

Imagine the struggle of caring for a loved one who is not only physically challenged but mentally challenged too.  I don't think I want to go into detail.  Let's just say every damn thing happened at the same time. Tough for the patient and the loved one as well.

A fractured arm to hip replacement to disability to dementia leading to extreme behaviour and temperamental difficulties.

Either one of the above is enough to create a lot of inconvenience, worries, sleepless nights, financial burden, you name it all.  Now multiply these by 1,000.

And yet, this amazing friend of mine can still put on a cheerful disposition while sharing with us her experiences.

None of use bothered to raise any of our little problems for the rest of the night.

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1 comment:

  1. its heart breaking, m just hoping this friend of yours is not the someone i care about
