What can I do to protect myself from catching influenza A(H1N1)?
The main route of transmission of the new influenza A(H1N1) virus seems to be similar to seasonal influenza, via droplets that are expelled by speaking, sneezing or coughing.
You can prevent getting infected by avoiding close contact with people who show influenza-like symptoms (trying to maintain a distance of about 1 metre if possible) and taking the following measures:
- avoid touching your mouth and nose;
- clean hands thoroughly with soap and water,
- or cleanse them with an alcohol-based hand rub on a regular basis (especially if touching the mouth and nose, or surfaces that are potentially contaminated);
- avoid close contact with people who might be ill;
- reduce the time spent in crowded settings if possible;
- improve airflow in your living space by opening windows;
- practise good health habits including adequate sleep, eating nutritious food, and keeping physically active.
Malaysia's Health Minister has this to say :
“During such moments of medical crisis, it is okay to not shake hands. People can instead bow their heads or place a right hand on the upper left chest to show respect,”
Full news report from The Star - HERE
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