Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Agent Orange

Today we learnt about Agent Orange, a type of chemical herbicide used during the Vietnam War.

The chemical was sprayed from the air to destroy forests and farms where the Vietnamese were taking cover.

Millions of Vietnamese as well as American soldiers were exposed to the chemical.

The war ended eventually but the highly toxic chemical left behind devastating side effects not only those directly exposed but also to their future generations.

At the war Remnants museum, we saw devastating evidence and photos of many examples of victims of those directly exposed as well as innocent children who were affected when they were conceived.

The stories and sights were heart breaking...

Some info here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/227467.stm

Our tour guide said that the younger generation had decided to forgive and forget, and is moving forward to better days.

But deep down every Vietnamese know that the history is here to stay and remains as a fact that has to be accepted.

The baby girl below was born without proper limbs in 2008 ...

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1 comment:

  1. To be honest, I felt that the museum only tell one side of the story, more like a propaganda by the Vietnamese government. I think they shld give a more balanced view of the war instead of depicting the Americans as the evil ppl in this war.

    However I don't deny the dreadful impact of Agent Orange & millions of ppl are still affected by it today.
