Monday, September 17, 2012

Good Doc, Bad Doc

Dad had been having occasional dizzy spells lately.  Yesterday was quite serious, unfortunately I wasn't home till late evening.  I drove around the neighbourhood looking for a clinic, at least to check out the necessary eg blood pressure and all.  All preferred clinics were closed. It was  Sunday night.  Was relieved to find one opened.  I was skeptical...cos it wasn't one of our preferred, in fact never noticed it's existence.

But dad didn't protest nor asked to go home, meaning he really wants to see a doc.

When his turn finally came, I was still having reservations about how good the doc will be.

I told him the reason why we were there..and while putting on the arm band to check pressure, he was very quick to assure that there's really nothing to worry about.

"Dizzy spells are very common amongst old folks, his blood pressure's very good, heart sounds good, no worries at all"

"But he's still working and all, he rides a motorcycle, he's not worried but we are" I said.

Doc.."if dizzy don't ride motorcycle otherwise..just let him do what he can still do, don't stop him or else it will be very depressing for him"

"What about food, he doesn't eat much during day time, only one good meal at night" I said

"No worries..just let him me..he's probably in a better shape than you and I"

"So,uncle..everything good..don't worry, I'll give you some med for the dizziness, some vitamin, that's it"

I secretly liked what I hear from this doctor, I think my dad felt immediately better instantly, he didn't even bother to take the meds.  The other regular doctor would have gone on and on about stopping him from working..about how dangerous it is out there.

So, which is a better doctor?

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1 comment:

  1. I tend to agree with this doc. After all, at his age, he shld have the freedom to do and eat what he likes la. Maybe the only thing is he riding his motorcycle everyday la
