Tuesday, September 11, 2007


A guest si foo from Sarawak was at our class last night. He is 65 yrs old and had been practising tai ci for 30 over years. He spent almost an hour telling us the basics of tai ci.

One of the key thing is being in a relaxed mode. I am not sure how to put this in words..let me try. In terms of self defence, tai ci seldom retaliates. All it does is Neutralise the on-coming force and eventually if the opponent or attacker continues to insist force he/she will end up Receiving the force that was created.

The si foo says that we should also practice this in our daily life. It can be as simple as managing temper. His example was - if someone curses you, if we retaliate - a fight or more hatred will surely begin. However, if we choose to keep quiet and if possible say sorry to the angry person - the temper of the angry person will most likely die off.

This is very true indeed. I've been applying this to my bad tempered father. I used to argue with him when he gets overboard with his words...and we always ended up in a cold war. Recently, I tried a new method - whenever he gets into his nasty mood - I switched on my Silent mode and start counting from 1 to 20. Most of the time he will stop!

A friend told me that I was very very bitchy when I was working in the S firm. Really? Must be lor. Well, I chose not to blame it on the office. It's probably ego - I was at the peak of my career then.

Now..I am happy that I have toned down. Lousy drivers, Lousy customer service..I take all this with a Smile. Well, once in a while I still curse la.

My daily life is often surrounded by 'angry' people though. Just this morning, I had some problem with the parking pass. Someone must have made an error somewhere in the system. I was quite cool about it..knowing very well that it will be solved sooner or later. My colleague thinks that I should have scolded them, shouldn't be bullied bla bla.

Why..waste my valuable cells over such a small issue wor.
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