Friday, September 14, 2007

What Am I Doing Here?

My Horoscope for today says:

You may have been too tolerant in a certain aspect of your life recently, WSL. A family member or a friend may be a little less giving toward you than you are to him. If your tolerant attitude toward that person wasn't a problem for you, today it could really begin to bother you. Don't hesitate to do what you need to do to protect yourself and the people close to you...

Am not sure where this entry will lead just trashing out my thoughts....

MK asked me once to think about "being in the rat-race". Well, I am not sure if I am still in the rat race. But I am definitely in a rush all the time. It has been a daily event - rushing to reach the office, rushing to reply urgent mails, rushing to finish urgent tasks in order to avoid serious delays, rushing to complete as much as I can before the day ends, rushing so that I don't end up staying too late, rushing to be home on time so that I can go for tai ci, etc etc.

Most of the time - we will all end up dead tired on Fridays - wondering what has happened in the last 4 days. Last night, my sister told me that she has yet found the time to sit down to indulge in the Durian Mooncake I bought for her on Monday, because she simply didn't have time. By the time she shuts down her laptop - it's normally already bedtime!

So, I am quietly thankful that I am at least able to have my evenings free from work. I finished the mooncake by Wednesday!

I am writing this in between work..the above was written about an hour ago. Hence, I've probably drifted through two different mood zones. Taken a second look at the Title of this entry - trying to re-capture my mood zone when I started this....

Hm...I guess I was in a dazed mode. Trying to reconcile? The purpose of my daily life?
  • Priority No. 1 : To put money in the bank
  • Priority No. 2 : To continue 'living' - what's life without sufficient $
  • Priority No. 3 : To be a norm - everyone WORKS
  • Priority No. 4 : To work to to be able to enjoy the other greater parts of life
  • Priority No. 5 : To accumulate sufficient wealth - for retirement?

The Marrieds will probably have more priorities - to live happily ever after with partner. To provide a better future for children. To watch children grow up to become smarter & smarter by day - that's wonderful. Quietly hoping that they will not be a pain when they are adults - hehehe..

Back to my horoscope for the day....If your tolerant attitude toward that person wasn't a problem for you, today it could really begin to bother you. Don't hesitate to do what you need to do to protect yourself and the people close to you... ..

Some issues cropped these few weeks. Sorry I can't be too specific here. I witnessed the change of events, change in attitude, the way some things were handled...human behaviour, reaction towards a 'crisis'. I am beginning to wonder if this is really necessary - is this the real business world where all it matters is MONEY? While I am quietly thankful (Again) that I am not the victim to these circumstances, I can't help but feel sorry for the 'victim'. Is there really a victim? Or am I just being naive? Or should I worry that I will become the victim one day?

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1 comment:

  1. Wah ur entry ah is full of 'riddles'..........I am more confused after I read it leh.

    Nway see you tomorrow :)
