Friday, April 23, 2010

Birthday Blues

It's end of April.  End of the 4th month of the year. 
Time really flies.  End of April signifies two important event. 

Firstly, it's the last few days to file our tax. I still have not done it.

Secondly, it's my Birthday. 

Yea....another Birthday.

I actually can't remember when was the last time I felt excited about my birthday.  It's tough at this age.  I don't even wanna remember what age I am at now.


You know..I was having my regular badminton sessions last Saturday.  I was partnering this young 14 yr old chap.  I'm happiest when I play this game.  I think it's because it is my childhood game..I liked this game since young..even before I started schooling.  Been playing for school since primary..but never gone further than that..cos I ain't good enough :P I was saying..I'm happiest when I play badminton.  Being on court just gives me a sense of freedom to let-loose.  I'm generally not an expressive person.  Till today I don't 'hiak' when I do body combat at the gym..just can't do it. But when I play badminton..I have no problems expressing myself.  Strange but true.

So..back to my story with my handsome young partner for that particular day.  In the midst of the first game I with him..I heard him called out to me..while retrieving a shot...he used this word .."Auntie"  -.-

Gan said that I should accept it..after all..I am N years older than him.'s a badminton game.  I feel like a kid all over again when I am playing..I can't have some one calling me Auntie on court...


Sorry..digressed a little out of topic.  Somewhat related though.'s gonna be my XXth Birthday but I'm having the blues.

We celebrated my nephew's 5th Birthday last week.

Only five is such fun when you are only into the fifth year. Lucky chap. 

It's a relatively simple cake..but he doesn't mind at all.

How gleeful he is.

As we get older..we don't even bother to get a cake.  How significant is a Birthday I wonder...while I wonder..I googled.  Found this very meaning article from DailyOM.

Excerpts  for thoughts:

...Your birthday may come and go each year celebrated but not treasured, because you don't look forward to having to shoulder another year of age or can't muster up the enthusiasm for a sincere celebration. All birthdays, however, are important and can be a cause for joy, if you look upon them with a reflective eye and a mind toward the blessings the future will bring. ....

...The profound meaning of birthdays is often cemented when we are young, and the day is imbued with fun by our parents. As we grow older, that meaning can change, and can sometimes become negative. We begin to associate birthdays with aging or what we have not yet accomplished. But a shift in perspective can revitalize birthdays as a reason for celebration. Celebrating a birthday acknowledges the progress you have made, the blessings you have received, and the goals you have achieved in the past twelve months.

...An entire lifetime can pass in the blink of an eye, but every new birthday is a chance to give fresh tribute to that life....

Read full article HERE
I feel much better now.  Happy Birthday to me :D

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