Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Hot & Hotter News..

Somehow I feel that the world is spinning faster & faster and somethings have been thrown off balance.

Internally in our little Malaysian world:
While Malaysians politicians and not are still mulling over the dramatic political climate change, new hot issues seems to pop out every other day. We have been treated with ..let me categorise them my way..I'd called them :
  • ANNOUCEMENTS when it comes form the government - but beware that these may change usual..

  • SERIOUS SURPRISES when the now much stronger opposition reveals 'rather serious findings' about how things were being run previously or more specifically how 'things' have dissappered after March 8...personally I still have a little doubt whether these are political games or are have they really got down to business. That's why I categorise these under SERIOUS SURPRISES rather than SERIOUS TRUTHS

  • FUNNY TRUTHS when we are treated to comical parliamentarians live on TV. May be these are new to us...but I'd think that it's normal for our leaders to call each other by names in the parliament (e.g. Big Foot, Big Monkey) when Taiwan parliamentarians end up in fist fighting or hair pulling incidents.

  • SERIOUS CRIMES ...did anyone care at all about REAL crime incidents that happened lately? Personally, I was horrified to read about a new roberry synidicate that Abduct, Rob, Kills and Dump their victims into rivers. So far two bodies has been found and one has been identified as a missing consultant who is a father to a child, father to be to another yet to be born child, husband to a pregnant wife. He was last seen by his friends getting into his car after some drinks. Yesterday's news reported that an old trader who was getting ready to open his stall in the wee hours of the morning was slashed 8 times on the head and arms despite the fact that he did willingly gave away his pouch which contains only 30 bucks

  • NOT SO SERIOUS CRIMES..all the above had to take a back seat with minimal coverage in the main media. That is because the police, prosecutors and reporters were apparently super busy covering the arrest of an influential blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin over an article he wrote Malaysia Today. He was charged in court within a day for SEDITIONS - whatever that is. With that, the blogsphere, media, NGO, bar council, politicians, ..etc etc has been ABUZZ with activities....all trying to keep up with the latest event. The latest from Malaysiakini reported that he is in jail now - refusing bail & visitors to prove his stand.

Externally :
Loads are happening. Food crisis. Possible recession. Train crash. The horror truth about this father in Austria who kept his own daughter in a dungeon like cellar for 24 yrs and fathered seven children together! Too much for me to pay attention. And most the most recent and devastating to ignore...the deadly Cyclone Nargis. Estimated death toll stands temporary at 22 over thousand with over 40000 still missing....

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