Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Is WSL #### v2.0 worth waiting for?

If not because of the wait for ownership transfer of the WSL number plate, I'd be cruising around with a brand new car by now.

Is the plate really that meaningful? I've wondered many times.  Well, it's my name initials.  How often would one get to have their name initials in your car plate? Almost never. I'll never get one again in this life or next life if I let it go now.

So, I decided to wait.

What's the wait about?

Oh, the procedure goes like this:

1.The car was declared a wreck now.

2. The insurance company had already paid me the proposed and agreed amount.  The amount was not too bad actually.  Quick check on current resale value of 2009 Nissan Latio Sport is between 54-60K plus minus.  And I was offered around 58K. After settling the outstanding loan amount with the bank, I'm still left with a good sum for downpayment of next car :)

3. The insurance company will now offer the wrecked car for tender.  Normally, car repairers will buy over the car for a few thousands (apparently), repair it, get it inspected and approved by the Roads Department and then sell it off.

4.  I can do the ownership transfer only after the repaired car passed the inspection process.

So..I shall wait.

Ideally it's better to get a new car towards the year end and have it registered in 2014.  That's what everyone's saying.  While waiting there may be more new and good models arriving to the market.  Or even better year end promotions.  Who knows..


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