Thursday, October 24, 2013

Positive Angle

I was behind a car that was going extremely slow over each bump, and we were on a road of many bumps.  So, it was a very very slow speed ride.  Good thing I  left my house earlier that day and I had plenty of time to spare.  Still, it can be quite irritating when the car in front stops and roll over each an every bump at zero speed.

I could have cursed and and swore while trying to overtake it. Overtaking it was quite hard as it was a narrow and dark road.  In the end I chose to remain calm and instead looked at the positive angle of the situation.

1. It's really quite funny and enlightening that one could be so gentle to his/her car (it wasn't a new car, by the way). So, the driver must be a very gentle person.

2. Lead by example..why not I follow suit and be as gentle to my own car as well.  If I can go as gentle as the car in front, it benefits my car too!

Coincidentally, my friend recently blogged about a similar topic HERE.  Great minds think alike?

So, the next time you face a situation....try to find the positive angle before starting to curse and getting all agitated. ok?


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1 comment:

  1. Yeah can be irritating to follow such a car but sometimes it pays to be patient
