Anyway, in this post, I intend to write about my experience at the UMSC yesterday evening. UMSC stands for University Malaya Specialist Centre. Sounds great right? It is actually a great facility. Idea is the chinese would have said 'ma ma dei'.
It is a great facility in the sense that it's specialists are all very experienced doctors and professors from the University Hospital. And, the charges are probably less than a quarter of a private specialist centre. Most importantly they operate in the evening from 5pm onwards...patients do not have to waste their precious day time.
Yesterday I was suppose to meet my aunt at the UMSC to accompany her to see a specialist. I drove straight into the University Hospital aided by ONE sign that says UMSC and followed some signs that says PARKING. The moment I entered the multi level parking, I understood immediately ..the question i always wondered out loud - "why is it that the main road outside this hospital is perpetually parked with private vehicles?" It is because the parking system provided in the hospital area SUCKS! The hospital is probably the second largest medical centre in the country, but it is a mystery why there are insufficient parking facilities, never before and and still so currently.
Well, there is this multi level car park right infront of the main building - but it is so badly designed!
- There aren't enough parking lots
- The passages are confusing and not friendly at's just like a maze in there
- The entry exit rams are narrow and some are located in unstrategic corners - a huge 4WD vehicle in front of me had such difficulties squezzing into and out of the rams
I don't think I can put into it's like. It's just .... mind boggling is it that such infrastructure can be approved and exists in a supposedly established system.
Hint: I am not sure when I will finish complaining. I will carry on until I run out of words.
So..I successfully entered the 3rd level of the carpark..after much amazement and amusement manouvering in the 'maze'. Next - I had to locate a 'lobby'. You's a common form of action right? That one automatically looks for a lift lobby or exit lobby to get out of a carpark? this case..there seems to be none. No signages..nothing. Just doors.
So..I exited at the nearest door and was happy to see a Lift No. 5. A sign on the wall says..that I should head to the Ground Floor - that will supposedly lead me to the main hospital building. When I stepped out of the lift on the Ground level, I freaked out when I saw a sign that says "Kawasan Pengurusan Jenazah (directly translated as Corpse Managing Area"
It took me a full minute to decide if I should go through that Corpse Area or head back into the lift. Of course I chose the latter option.
I came back up to the 3rd level and headed to the other end of the building. I saw a tiny exit that looks like a staircase leading to the main building but a dodgy looking worker told me that it is currently under repair. Again, there wasn't any notice / signage. I entered through another door nearby and found Lift No.3. A sign there says that I should go to level 2 to enter the main building and I followed suit. By the way, the lifts here are those very huge type that can fit a whole hospital bed and they are not very well lighted. Scary??
At level 2, I was relieved to see a bridge that is accessible but as expected it is not a very impressive bridge. Kind of scary would be quite worried walking here alone expecially at night.
The bridge lead me to another scary area of the hospital. There isn't any proper signage to indicate where i should go. It seemed like a very old part of the hospital with lot's of dark room. There were some very old signs that says x-ray area. In some of the dark rooms, I saw doctors (or technicians) looking through x-ray films, computers. etc. Along the way, I also came across nurses pushing an sick old patient in a bed. Scary?
After some time wandering aimlessly, I decided to ask the next person I came across. Surprise surprise..UMSC has moved to another building near the University Malaya ..and he went on giving me all sorts of directions. My first question to him was..can I drive there..and is there any car park? Answer was..'NOT LIKELY" Doink! My next question was - how far is this building from here? Anwers was .."NOT VERY FAR LA"
(Note: I can't believe this is my 3rd day into this post..hope I can finish it today 28 March)
I decided to ask another staff again at the main lobby. This time I was told that there is actually a shuttle bus service to ferry staff and patients to the new UMSC centre. It is not advisable to drive there because there are insufficient parkling lots - only about 40 lots (*rolling my eyes*)
Slightly happier but stil annoyed - I proceed to the main entrance expecting to see shuttle buses or at least some sort of signages. As usual , there are none. I had to ask for a third time. Of course, there are no designated time table or stop - they will come as and when. Sigh..anyway, I was lucky a Kembara with the UMSC logo arrived as I was talking to the security guard.
I arrived safely...despite experiecing a mild F1 like driving from the UMSC driver.
The building is brand new..may be re-furbished. Do not think it is IT ready yet i don't see many computers. No starbucks neither.
The wait for the doctor is no diffrent from other popular hospitals - 3 hours! The doc visit was less than 15 mins. Charge is RM20. Surgery was scheduled and estimated fee is RM2,000 for a 20 mins surgery with 2D1N stay. Ward type - yet to know. Service quality - yet to know.
Verdict - Value for money. After all the attending doctor is a Professor!
Oh ya..suttle service was still available at 8.45pm. The driver was very accomodating by sending straight to the 'doorstep' of the carpark. As he doesn't know any proper entrance to enter by foot...he stopped me at the entrance for vehicles - meaning - we had to walk up the steep Ramp!
The End of a story of First Class Facility, Third Class Infrastructure.