Friday, April 09, 2010

1 down, 2 more to go

I'm doing this in the most awkward position.  Home connection is still not up..very disappointing indeed..but I found a spot here in this tiny space where I can ride on some neighbour's connection.  Very weak I gotta do this fast.  Pathetic ..

It's that time of the year again..

..some skills....I only use once a year.

One down.

Two more to go!

But..I'm only left 24 hours to do so.  Minus :

8 hours of sleep
8 hours at work
4 hours lepak after work

only 4 hours left..tomorrow night :P
If...I don't stay out too late that is..

Best Blog Tips


  1. Are you sure it is not too late? I tot is over???

  2. 1 wk later is stil ok..Door still open to receive :P

  3. :D ya hor.. never tot that it is already over leh... hahaha
