Friday, April 16, 2010

Being Selfish

Gina wrote about Kindness and Payment ...about Kindness may not always pay...and I confidently replied  - we shouldn't expect any return in what we give, we give from the heart regardless on outcome.

If only life is that simple.

Quotegarden tweets today :
 "You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him." ~James D Miles

Why do I have to see all this...just when I want to be a tad bit Selfish.

Tell it that easy to give and help without expecting some kind of return? 

Did you read about an accident recently about this man who stopped his car to help a motorcyclist who was lying injured on the road but his car ended up causing other on coming motorcyclists to crash ..killing at least one.  It must be the worse thing that can happen!?  Now..instead of being happy about his good deed to save a man..he has to deal with the guilt of indrectly causing the death of another.  How sad can that be.  Who is there to blame?

In Buddhism..karma will probably come into picture...that everything happens for a reason...for what was done in previous on so forth. I've no idea why I am rambling about these things.  I've a slightly puzzled mind today.  I so wanna be Selfish but it's not right.  Not that I have a choice.  But then..I still hold on strongly to the believe...that things will turn out just fine.  Even if it doesn''s for some reasons.  Every good or bad thing happens for a reason.

What's the conclusion?

Up to you.  Follow your heart.  At the end of the's just a way of Life. Forest Gump's liek a box of it?  Not everything in Life is sweet though.

Boy...I'm one confused nut today.

It's Friday ma =)
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