Saturday, May 29, 2010

Exercise Induces Free Radicals?

"free radicals," "oxidative stress" and "antioxidants"....these words were widely used by supplement manufacturers to capture our attention.

Apparently, it has been proven scientifically that...exercise can increase oxygen utilization from 10 to 20 times over your resting state. This greatly increases the generation of "free radicals", which may enhance damage to muscles and other vital tissues (oxidative stress).

It was also said that our body cannot produce the the required micronutrients antioxidants that plays an important role in preventing free radicals damages to the body. 

Bla bla bla bla.....I first heard about the above from a friend when I was struggling to recover from a cough and sore throat not too long ago.  I briefly looked up the internet but got a rather strong impression that all these are probably some hype created by nutrition companies i.e. to support their products.

However, I cannot deny that I've been falling sick more often ever since I started indulging regularly in endurance exercises.  In 2010 I've been sick during CNY, end March and almost caught another cold just recently. And I'm still getting those urticaria attacks everyday.  Less serious lately but I still get them everyday.

So..using my GNC birthday previleges I bought THIS:

Costs about RM393 for 175 tablets..that's about RM2 per tablet. ... was I a sucker? How true is this scientific fact? 

Here's an independent article :


......If free radicals interact with the cell membrane of a stable cell this could lead to the inability of that cell to absorb vital nutrients as well as loss of important cellular enzymes. If these unstable radicals are able to damage the DNA of a cell, this could lead to cancer, arthritis, premature aging, etc.....

.....When there is an abnormal build-up of free radicals in the body, which can be caused by exercise, smoking, stress, environmental pollutants and poor nutritional habits, the body can no longer maintain the free radical/antioxidative equilibrium (antioxidative homeostasis)..... 

......Oxidative stress is the result of this imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants, in favor of free radicals. It is the collective damage caused to your cells, organs and tissues as a result of excessive free radical activity in the body.....

........Exercise increases the production of free radicals by virtue of an increase in oxygen utilization. Over an extended period of time the disturbed "antioxidative homeostasis" results in diseases and contributes to early aging......

...There is little doubt that antioxidants are a necessary component for good health. However, using antioxidant supplements is an entirely different story. These supplements were once thought to be harmless but increasingly scientists are becoming aware of interactions and potential toxicity.

Hmm..all confused by now?  Me too!

Shall I throw away the tablet..that means burning close to 400 bucks!  This same article went on to suggest the following:

∑ Strengthen the bodies antioxidant system by eating at least 6-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. 

Impossible for me.

∑ Consider a more balanced approach to exercise if you are a weekend warrior, and pay close attention to your eating habits during the week. I'm alright here..i think.

∑ Consider using a "whole food" supplement like fruit and vegetable capsules. Whole foods not only feed your body with the necessary antioxidants it needs they also provide several other important groups of micronutrients called phytochemicals that actually give vitamins their antioxidant properties. These important plant chemicals are all missing from antioxidant supplements. OK..another product..

∑ Do not over supplement...
noted. I don't take daily anyway.

Unsatisfied..I went on to read a few more independent articles.  Most sent out similar messages.  Spread out your work outs.  Eat lot's of vege and fruits. And don't over supplement.

Hmm..why do I suddenly have a craving for KFC :\

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  1. I could have easily helped you out in this area :-/. Ask me Askme !! :-P

  2. haha...summarise in 3 sentences:

    do I need anti oxidant? note: i dont eat fruits n vege regularly and I do endurance exercise 5-6 hrs a wk. currently taking multivits and fish oil..and Food of cos
