Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Yes. I'm learning tai chi.

A young colleague saw this on my dashboard today.

He went ...

" learning tai chi? no right?"

I said "yes" grinning sheepishly.

He went..

"HA? my father learns taichi wor"


Since I'm at it..a little update about my "progress"
To be honest I've slacked ..a whole lot lately.
My attendance is down to once a month most of the time from previously three times a week.

But ..I don't intend to stop.  It's such a waste to stop now after investing so much patience building up that little bit of foundation.

Basically, I've  been slacking because of all the distractions from my other new hobbies..from bodycombat to RPM at the gym to this new found hobby called..running.

Comparatively, tai chi is so boring. I admit. No upbeat music.  It's slow. Very slow.  So much theory..and our moves will never be perfect. Never.

However, it has it's goodness and I still enjoy doing it..if I do it properly.  I've missed too many classes that I'm having such a hard time catching up : (

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