Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Progress #2

I've just send out an email to inform my 'supporters' about my decision to go for a laproscopy (either next week or week after next )and worry about other factors later (this decision is made after getting a 2nd doc's opinion).

This entry is not about my's more to share the beauty of having friends to share your thoughts with. They may not be able to offer professional advise..but they will definitely helped me to lighten up. I did mention in my previous entry about being a little frustrated....hey... I am human ma..i also have hard feelings ok..I do appreciate greatly all your contributions and concerns...*HUGS* You guys have made the process more colorful. time if you come across any obstacles or difficult problems..DO voice it out...never ever keeo it to will end up feeling more sorry and depressed.

Let me try and entertain you by sharing with enlightening my dear friends can be even in a so-called 'serious' situation:

Type 1 : Fast and Happy Reply
Good good! All is looking good. I like your second doctor more :P..Thanks for keeping us informed.

Type 2: Informative but 'want to know more' Reply
Don't worry...lapro s not painful...I hv done it b4....U dun feel a thing at all!!! So you going to let the 1st doc to perform lapro on you?

Type 3 : Happy Reply but got additional 'request'
Good for you! I also like your second doctor more, at least he is not alarming.
Next week better la, week after next is mine la, then I cannot come visit you.

Type 4: Worrisome Reply
Phew! That’s a big relief. Take it easy la, I’m sure the conditions can be cured by lapro and not the open surgery bla, bla, bla. If you need any help or someone to talk to, you know you can always call me okie…

But I was thinking if I’m you, I will do the lapro with SJ**. I’m just worried that your doc in P** insists on the steps that he has briefed you the other day and not give you the option to think during surgery. So before you commit, read the Disclaimer sheet carefully
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  1. Hey that is what frens are for, to give support, encouragement and also to lighten you up in very difficult situations :)

    Glad that you are taking this so well and keeping a very positive spirit.

    Whatever the results may be, remember we are all here for you

  2. Although I dunno exactly what's happening... You have our full support! 'GA YAO' oh WSL! =)

  3. huh, that's all you are sharing in your public forum here? hey, folks out there, there were a lot more "juicy stories" that she has hidden from you! go, go, probe for more! :D

  4. Ya..altho I also don't know what's happening, but ... YOU always have our support...Keep us updated at all times ok :)
