Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mui Choy (Preserved Vege) Pork

This is my 3rd or 4th attempt.  

The more authentic and professional recipe goes something like this - click HERE

Aigh..I'm only preparing it for a home meal, just like what mom used to do it.

As usual, based on memory and my foodie instinct..

This time, I "invested" in some fatty pork belly, the last time was too dried with just lean pork.

So much more yummy!  The wonders of lard :D

My simple and humble recipe:

Fry pork (lightly marinated with salt and sugar) with garlic for a few minutes
Add mui choy (soaked and cleaned)

Other seasoning: light soy sauce, thick soy sauce, oyster sauce

Add water, simmer and stew. Duration - depends on how wet you want it to be, lol.

Best Blog Tips


  1. Try adding some ginger and a slice of "bat gok" or "eight-horns" or Chinese star anise... it'll add more flavor to it! :)
