It's been eight months!
Since I took my last pay as an employee..
I believe I wrote in December that we shall review in six months time.
It's now the end of the eight month already!
OH WELL...I'm still unsure.
While life's had been quite a bliss on my own without fixed working hours and place and boss, at times it gets kind of scary..especially when I don't see any new jobs coming in for a whole month.
July was terribly quiet.
Aug was alright, thanks to some friends, you know who you are.
Just got confirmation that Sept will be taken care of too :)
October, November, December is unknown for now.
It's still the same old story.
Getting a permanent job with a decent pay but getting all stressed up with the normal stuff in the corporate world OR getting less stable income, may be earning just enough to break even but leading more relaxing and blissful days?
We just have to make our choice isn't it. Well, we don't have to stick to one... who says we have to stick to doing the same thing for the entire life?

I agree, never try never know. If all else fails, then go bk to the rat race lor