Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thomas Cup Fever ~ Shortlived

It was a rather crazy day.  Half of the day's productive hours was spent on the road.  Such a waste but it's was Friday \o/  Half my mind was on the Thomas Cup ..not that I'm dead crazy about it.  It's just couldn't decide if it is worthwhile to cancel my plans with Jenny  or just go home to watch the game. But it was gonna be M'sia vs. China...quite a big deal. 

I sent an early text to J first thing in the morning even before I leave home..just to pre-empt her about thoughts.  I followed up with another mail before I left for a meeting simply saying that..'we can still meet up provided we meet at a place where we can watch the game"  LOL.

I only got back to the office after 3pm.  You've gotta love it when you have a fren like J.  She actually called up a few places to find out if their TV will be on the relevant channels :D We shortlisted either Chilli's or Spaghetti Grill.

Was all ready to leave work around around 6 but was delayed by some unforeseen circumstances.  Left very much later...around half past six and got stuck the spiral car park -.-  and the infamous Federal Highway of course. 

While I was battling my way through, J volunteered to scout for a good table at the said places.  Unfortunately both were packed..and guess what..the game started at seven!! ..we thought it was 7.30...!

I was so late..only managed to catch half of the much anticipated LCW vs. LD match.  It wasn't that exciting though...mainly because he lost tamely..and we were seated quite far away from the

Can you spot the TV?

It's still tiny, even after maximun zoom..

And there wasn't any sound. 

For some reasons, this crowd at Chilli's were not too interested about the game.  Guess what..?   It was actually on TV1 and it made way for the 8pm news after the singles match...and no one bothered to change channel!

Being Researchers..we can't help but to analyse and tried to understand..why and and why would Chilli's choose to tune to TV1 prime time news...of all things???


Well..they did continue with the telecast ..AFTER the news.  BUT we had decided not to move to Chilli's eventhough they had many tables by then.  We were at Seed Cafe next to it.  That explains the tiny faraway TV we had to squint to.

So..we moved to Gloria Jeans about two shops away.  Bigger TV.  Better crowd.  Better feel.  Haha.. 

Unfortunately, our boys didn't play well at all.   It was downhill all the way.  They lost tamely.  Personally, I was not looking forward for them to win..simply because I hate to see all the hype and brags each time they win. was as good as impossible to beat China..but..we expected a stronger fight. observation that I found totally unacceptable ~ there was at least two times where the camera caught our dear coaches happily smiling and chatting away during the last singles match sign of concern nor support to the poor struggling player.   Comparatively, the opponent's coaches were always on their feet shouting out directions and support eventhought they were leading and on a very sure path to although they were already on a very clear and clean path to victory.  Perhaps that is the missing link in our team ~ p a s s i o n .

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