Saturday, February 05, 2011


I used to be annoyed when friends do not reply my messages or emails promptly, e.g. some will take like days or weeks to acknowledge.  In the end, I made assumptions to conclude that if it takes that long to reply it means the subject matter is not important relative to their busy lives.


I'm guilty too, I behave similarly especially when there are invites that I 'don't feel' like attending :P

But I noticed recently that that is not always the case especially when when life gets a bit too busy, sometimes you can just Forget.  It happened to me a few times in just the last couple of weeks. Forgetfulness ~ is really getting into us as we aged. And we ain't that old actually :s

Just last week, I received Jas' message when I was in a meeting.  It was a Friday, and I didn't remember to reply until the following Wednesday!  At least I I have a tendency to forget easily nowadays..really.  Especially now, with so many different types of communication tools and having to deal with matters on work, family, friends, errands, chores.....somethings can just get lost in the clutter.

Example, while talking to Mich one fine day, I froze when she mentioned about what we intend to do for the coming February birthday gals.

I was like.."'ve asked this before..somewhere and I forgot to reply, didn't I?" "Where and when did you ask ah?"  "Email, FB ?"

Mich's answer was quite hilarious..."ya..I did ask but I can't remember when, where and who I asked"

You see what i'm getting at..?

So..please accept my sincere apologies..if you don't hear from was plain simple forgetfulness. Nothing personal.

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1 comment:

  1. Yeah the more gadgets we have, the more stressed & time-pressed our lives become..........
