Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's You (Ref: Tiny Wisdom)

Many a times, we, human beings tend to conveniently direct or finger point a problem towards something or someone else instead of figuring out ways to improve the situation.

When a road accident happens - what do we do?.  We will all go into defensive mode i.e. to point out the other party's mistake.  When traffic is congested,we curse the heavy rain or other drivers for causing the congestion.  When we are unhappy with life, we look around looking for reasons to blame i.e. work, partner, weather, anything except ourselves.  When we fall sick, we blame the weather, the food intake, the supplements not working, the doctor ain't good.

Whatever will be will be.  Things happen.  Colors of life? Without obstacles, events and happenings life will be such a bore, isn't it?  Without that irritating neighbour, we wouldn't be able to see the other side of human and them learn how to deal with it.

While we can't control what people around us do or behave, we can control how we ourselves react and behave.  While we can't control the bad weather, we can control how we face the outcome of the bad weather.

In short...“Make the best use of what is in your power and take the rest as it happens.” -Epictetus

The one you’ve been waiting for to tell you what to do—it’s you. You’re the only one who knows what’s right for you in this moment.
The one you’ve been waiting for to fix your problems—it’s you. You’re the only one who has the power to change what isn’t working.
The one you’ve been waiting for to make the pain go away—it’s you. Whatever you’re holding onto, only you can let it go.
The one you’ve been waiting for to give you permission—it’s you. You’re the only one who can decide whether you’ll try or hold yourself back.
The one you’ve been waiting for to love you—it’s you. You’re the only one who can make you feel beautiful and worthy.
The one you’ve been waiting for to provide something that’s missing—it’s you. You’re the only one who can create and recognize what’s enough for your happiness.
The one who makes a difference in so many people’s lives—it’s you. Remember that even when you struggle with some of these things, the world is a better place for having you in it.

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