Friday, November 25, 2011


I have a new watch!

It's a Casio Poptone.  Doesn't matter if it's a new or older model. I got it free :D

Redeemed from MB card points that I decided to let go. Over 40,000 points for a $100+  watch, is it worth it? 

I like to use my points to redeem stuff that I don't need to buy with cash.  In other words, it's stuff I don't really need but I'd like to have it if it doesn't cost.  Oh well, 40,000 points is worth 40,000 real bucks spent on the card but..those were spent on other stuff. but ... I get something else on top what I already paid for.

Nice or not my new watch?

By the way, do you notice that the analog clock doesn't sync with the digital clock?  Haven't got time to figure out why is it so.  Just got it yesterday..felt like I just got a pressie from Santa


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