Friday, June 08, 2007

Another Enligthening Conversation

I had an enlightening conversation with another of my taici mate last night. Her name is J. She joined the class with her sister 2 months after me. However, she is now THE model student and is always made to stand in front as our guide. She was picked because she is the only one who can remember and execute all the moves almost correctly. And it is very obvious that she is the only one who practices frequently at home.

I had a chat with her last night and found out that she is actually 40 this year but she doesn't look like one. And..what surprises me most is that...she is almost partially blind. She went on to tell me that she didn't take care of her eyes when she was young and her power increases by leaps and bounds through out the years. By now, her power is approaching 2000 degrees!

She had to switch to contact lenses long time ago as glasses has become too thick. Her doctors said that the veins in her eyes has gotten weaker and will deteriorate as she gets older. There is high chance that she will be totally blind one day. She is also diabetic and that makes things even worse.

It's too dangerous for her to drive. She is single and she helps her brother in his karp business. She takes life one day at a time and take life easy. "mo pan fatt la" -- she says. She reads alot to find out what else she can do to improve her health. Taici is one thing. And she spends alot of vitamins and stuff.

She has to try..she she doesn't want to be an invalid so soon and had to depend on her siblings.

Sigh...meeting such people enlightens me on how lucky I am to have all that I have now.
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1 comment:

  1. That is why I am always grateful and thankful for what I have as I know there are a lot of people who are worse off than I am.

    I guess at the end of the day, we just have to be contented with our life
