Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Looking At The Other Side

I was telling the urologist about my history with transverse myletis and he made this statement - " you are one of the lucky ones who recovered with no major complications" My respond was..."or rather I was one of the very unlucky few who have it?"

It is all a matter of how you look at things isn't it? The negative side or the positive side. I pulled out an article about a young monk (but I forgot to bring it to the office). This young monk was treated very badly by his adopted parents when he was a child. After running away..he ended up with his master a tibetan monk. His master encouraged him to call up his adoptive mother to 'apologise'. He asked WHY..since she is the one who made him suffer??

The master said something like this (based on my memory) - "it is your karma. you may have done something very wrong to her in your previous life. If you continue hold this grudge against her you wil not be 'free from this..."

Hmm..what am I trying to say here? It is all about how you are able to accept things and move on. Istead of asking why and being angry at certain events...we should just accept it, learn and move on.

Today I read a chain email about Maya Angelou who was interviewed by Oprah Winfrey on her 70th birthday, and pulled out two of my favourite quotes:

  • "I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights."

  • I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one."
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  1. So true :). Sometimes we just hv to look at the positive sides and not let the negatives get to us, then we will live a happier life :)

  2. ...just wanna let you guys know I am still alive :p

  3. Yahhhh....fafa really miss u!!!?? Did we 'lose' u somewhere?
