Wednesday, December 08, 2010

My Best Friend's Wedding

So..I was saying that a good friend just got married. It was quite a highlight for us..since she's "quite an individual".

Since I'm stil having some sort of writer's block are some pictures as a temporary filler case there are any of you who drops by regularly to get a dose of my ramblings :P

My buffalo hard drive photo folder got corrupted, lost all photos from the morning sessions together with tons of photos from the past.  I'm still very upset.  As if that isn't heartbreaking enough the whole damn thing wasn't responding by yesterday! :((

So..that explains why I have not been blogging I guess...and why there are only three pics here : D

Two bottles of honey, it used to be two sticks of sugar cane in the olden days. What does it signifies? I'm not sure actually.

The beautiful bride

Dessert with a pigeon egg, what does that signify I wonder.

One of the "photographers" wanna be for the event ....he he.

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