What has a cockroach gotta do with going back to gym?
See below chat session ..that explains all :
wsl says:
i v sian
i was looking forward to go back to the gym today..
since i feel much better
maggie says:
u've been completely off gym since the injury?
maggie says:
i think u can go la. just be selective of the type of work out u do
be light on the injured area
wsl says:
but hor..jus now i saw a cockroach under my desk..and i freaked out...
maggie says:
what does cockroach has to do with your gym plan leh?
wsl says:
whn i freaked out..i felt a pain :s
maggie says:
hahahahahahahaha. i see.
Anyway..stupid cockroach.
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Hahaha can't believe you blame a cockroach for not able to go bk to gym!!!