Thursday, October 20, 2011


I'm approaching a crossroad.   I had problems putting my thoughts and feelings into words..conveniently I googled the word CROSSROAD.

And conveniently, I stumbled upon this - - it depicts exactly how I feel right now.

Love the way this author put things into such a simple perspective.

Yes..I see many options..but do I go straight, left, right?  The easiest way out is to stay put..and dwell i.e. Not Doing Anything...and hoping that everything will just fall into place.

The author is damn right in pointed out these..

"when it’s time to make a move and you stand there doing nothing, you pretty much get run over. Instead of making things happen, doing nothing just lets them happen to you.  This sucks for so many reasons, but primarily because it is not living....

...Reaching a crossroad in life is never comfortable, but it’s also not the end of the road. It’s a time of uncertainty and challenge, which forces us out to the very edge.  It is here that we show what we’re made of.  And it is here that we are made anew".

I'm still pondering.  Trying my very best not to stay-put and ended up being run over.  Been taking baby steps last few days..each little step lightens the path.

I do believe that as long as I keep stepping forward there will be a's not about whether it's gonna be bumpy's about moving forward ..Living Life.


Best Blog Tips


  1. Sometimes when you reached a crossroad, you just need to be bold and make a choice. Once a decision has been made, don't look back. Just march forward
