Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fourquare vs. Facebook Check-in

There's a new Check-in function in Facebook via Smartphone i.e. we can check into places (e.g. annouce) that we are at.  To me it's just a Foursquare 'wanna-be'.  I've been using Foursquare long before this and I've mentioned that most of my friends do not fancy it.

FY thinks it's no fun, don't see any point of checking in and earning badges for no significant gains
My sis didn't think it isn't safe to tell the world where you've just arrived to.
SY thinks the same too..why announce to everyone her whereabouts.
KT thinks..it's boring.

I laughed when I see these same people happily using the Facebook check-in as soon as it is made available in our shores.  Why ? It's ok to tell the whole world where you are now? The only reason I can think of is..may be because Facebook is only opened to own friends...so it appears to be 'ok' to check in Facebook and not Foursquare.

FY even asked "why bother about Foursquare when Facebook Check-in is available now?"

Well, I tried to use once, yesterday, in Facebook.  Fair to say, it functions the same. May be it feels cleaner or safer..as there isn't a third party 'intrusion' into our profile..i.e. we don't have to allow a third party app to gain access in to our Facebook profile.  But..what about when I don't want my friends to know where I am but I'd still like to check in ..I can do that with Foursquare =)

Let's do some quick comparison....

Left : Foursquare, Right : Facebook


Obviously, Foursquare has a more colourful interface, it even indicates if there are any "specials' nearby i.e. merchants who offer discounts to Foursquare users.


Assuming, I wanna check into Mid Valley, see the difference? Facebook...yawnzzz.  Foursquare tells you how who is the mayor, how many people ahve checked in, and most importantly - TIPS i.e. what other people say about this place!  I use this very often before I decide whether to eat in a new place, for example. 


Maps & Directions : fair..both seems to have that function.  Very useful especially when you want to locate a place.  Wait...I think Foursquare's map is more detailed and elaborate. Isn't it?

Well..I think those are about the only functions that Facebook has ...and Foursquare has too, obviously.

What other stuff that Foursquare has..but Facebook doesn't have?

A personal profile page that summarises all yours and friend's activites...

Badges....ya ya..you may say...what's with this badges..?? Nothing..it's just fun collection. Just like collecting stamps.  Oh..there is Mayorship too...if you patronised a place often enough, you will be promoted to be a Mayor of that place.  Some merchants may offer goodies to Mayors..not many here though in M'sia. 

One thing I like about Apps is that there are continuous efforts to improve and upgrade the software.  So..we get new features very often. And it gets updated automatically.  The above is the most recent feature update.  It summarises all our check ins and tells you your most explored categories, favourite plalces, etc.

The above is what I meant about tips.  It records all users feedback and comments about each places.  Very useful indeed. Well, some can be silly or irelevant...we just have to disregard those.  General rule of thumb for me - if 5 out of 10 tips are negative I will think twice before trying :P 

So..Facebook or Foursquare check-in for you?

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1 comment:

  1. Neither for me for safety reasons though not saying that I am someone who will be targetted. Still better be safe than sorry
