Saturday, March 26, 2011

My White Knight - 2 years on

I have not written much about it lately will be exactly two years old in April.  And I still love it. Previous entries about my experiences with the Nissan Latio Sport had generated many visits to this site.  Every other day, there will be some random visitors landing here after searching for related topics about the car.

The entry on Fuel Consumption is currently the all time most popular post in the history of this blog. Just received an email from a Ray, asking  about how I feel about the car now.

Since I have not updated about it much, thought I might as well post what my reply to Ray says.
Here goes...

Yes, I understand exactly what you mean by "emotionally' triggered.
And you have not even test drive? haha.  I fell in love with it in the showroom itself :P
Like you, I had second thoughts due to high commitment, (MyVii will be so much more affordable..but everyone owns a MyVii, kan?)

Hence, I went to test Vios and City - even as a female driver who supposedly do not have much technical knowledge..I didn't like the 'feel' in City and Vios.

Latio Sport - gives a very luxurious, comfortable and "proud" feel. 
(My 70 year old father comfirmed that - as a back seat passenger when I tested all three)

Ok..that was about two years ago..when I was all 'in-love'. 

I guess you have read all my experiences both bitter and sweet.

Fuel consumption wise - I am ok with it..cos I really don't like City / My Vii even though they have the best consumption. Though, the new City looks quite cool now.  Not sure if they have improved the current interior comfort which was my main problem.

As you've read there were other minor hiccups.

Intelligent Key - it is a wizard when it is in 100% working's just so cool and convenient when you don't have to look for keys. Unfortunately, being 'intelligent'...just like smart requires maintenance , so,..,it may go out of sync, and will need resetting once a while.  Battery runs out faster than normal remote too.

Service centre...well, may be I'm fussy..but I  really think they need some improvement. Was totally disappointed when no one alerted me that my alignment was out.  Then my car was only 7 mths!  How can a 7 mth old car have a one sided front tyre so worn out?  Till today ..I don't fully agree that it's an alignment issue.  Even if it is...they swapped tyres and didn't bother to inform me..that isn't very good isn't it - you can read about this in the blog too.

Comparatively, I heard that Honda serivce centres are much better..that's hear say , you will have to verify that :)


I still love my car though ..haha.

MY advice to you:
Latio is abit dated by now. There are many new models now.  Ford's new Fiesta looks absolutely fabulous..What about Mazda? Peugeot?

Hehe..happy shopping! Wish i can go through it's the best time before u start paying the instalments : /

Happy Birthday in advance, WSL XXX ...

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1 comment:

  1. Happy B'day :). May it have many many more b'days to come
