That's very true. what can be more important than being able to live a normal healthy life?
Let's not deny that all of us are guilty of forgetting to be grateful to one of the greatest gift in life.. Health.
I've experienced losing the ability to walk, grip, even sitting up on my own. I was bloody lucky to have recovered and able to do all that I'm able to do today.
I watched how the dearest person in my life fought and lost her battle to the big C.
And yet sometimes I still forget and took health for granted.
Last week a lil gal dear to us was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia . The doc is confident that there is a 95% cure rate. That's extremely good news but the treatment duration takes two long years.
There wasn't any early symptoms nor warning. The diagnosis hit her parents and all who cared like a cement truck.
How is such a small person going to endure two years of on going visits to the hospitals, constant jabs, medication, tests..
She's only three.
But what doesn't kill makes one stronger.
The strong mom rightly pointed out that this is God's reminder to her about how fragile life can be and she shall ride through this strongly with her dear princes and all who cared..
So my dear friends and who ever reading this. You got the message.
Health is key.
And ... yes, please remember to get sufficient insurance coverage!

i happened to know of something that might be able to help the little gal.
ReplyDeletebut not sure if you'd trust me on this.
it's something that has to do with a term we call "Orthomolecular" in the medical industry.
it fixes the damaged body cell that is the fundamental unit of a human body through the right substances.
let me know if you're interested.
Thanks. can you provide a infor or link, I can forward to the mom.