If u read my blog often enough u should notice my 'sometimes up sometimes down' mood changes. Today I am rather down/ tired. It's probably hormone related (again) or as usual I'd always blame it on Wednesday - for some reasons I always feel lethargic on Wednesdays. If possible I'd request for Wednesday off days :D
Was looking at the UT prices today..all went down dramatically, so pathetic..aiiii...life is full of ups and downs. Was told the market went up a bit today - hope the days will be brighter soon.
I spent my day yesterday doing a couple of personal stuff. First, I met up with an insurance agent who happened to be my cousin. I wanted to her to help me review my current policies and help me work out whay I am missing on and where are the areas I need to upgrade. She ended up telling me that I need to increase my protection on critical illness bla bla bla. Well, I checked with a few persons..ok..point taken..I only insure myself for $50k..whereas everyone else that I spoke to had about 200 to 300k :p
I'm getting more opinions from a few more persons before deciding how much more I need to top up. *SIGH*
Secondly, I went to the temple. Yesterday was the day we were suppose to pray to the White Tiger God :p. I know I know..I am behaving like an ah sor :DD Anyway, I went with another friend who is as clueless as me. We were just being kiasu. We ended up doing it wrong!
You see, praying to the White Tiger God also means asking for the noble persons to help you. There is also a ritual where we are suppose to get rid of little people (ta siu yan). We didnt want to to that ritual becos some ppl told me that it's not good. So...we told the man that we only want to pray but not 'ta siu yan'. So...we were just given the stuff (candle, joss sticks, incense papaers)..and told to pray on our own.
I asked the lady..if the incense paper are to be burnt as offerings? She said yes. While I was burning..I saw a little red piece in there shaped like a ginger bread man. I assumed it's the little person ...part of the set ....so I burnt everythg lor.
Later on..my friend's aunt said that..the little red man..is the noble person la. LOL!!! Die lo like tat...accidentally burnt the noble person. I did see people pasting the piece on the walls and pillars....as I said..I thought that's the little person wor.
Anyways..it's the end day now. Am going off to the gym.