Thursday, March 08, 2007

A little update about my PT experience @ the gym

I know la..alot of you would think I am wasting money on this Personal Trainer thingy. I just wanna give it a try and see if I feel any fitter after the guidance. By right, if the trainer is good I will be independent after all the sessions (provided I have motivation to continue la).

How is it going so far? Well, I've been to 2 sessions so far. After each session different part of my body aches. That's because he made me work almost thrice as hard as I'd normally do. After the first session, my triceps ached like nobody's business, it's still aching right now after 5 days! I discovered something strange though - my left limbs are supposedly weaker due to a previuos medical condition, hence, my left arm was made to lift 10 times more on the the first 3 exercises. Strangely, my right arm became very obviously weaker from the 4th exercise onwards! Even right now, my right tricep hurt more then the left. How to explain this?

The trainer said it's all in the's because I've been subconciously using my right more hence, most energy is on the right. When we force the left to work harder, the brain quickly re-directed to the left, hecne, the right became 'helpless'. Make sense or not?

Yesterday, was my second session. I complain that my arms still hurt, so we worked on legs and abs pulak. Nothing scientific happened this time, jus that my abs and legs hurt now lo. And he gave me a massage at the the open!

Was thinking if all this can save all my other cost e.g accupressure, tai ci. BUt hor...although I felt physically worked out...I don;t get the sense of 'lightness' that I get after the accupressure or tai ci sessions lo.
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1 comment:

  1. That is because you are putting pressure to the muscles and these r not 'relaxation' session. However I think having a PT there will definitely help you to achieve your goals faster as compared to if you do it on your own
