Thursday, March 15, 2007


Heard over the radio this morning about the government's plan to privatised ambulance services. Apparently, we have never had professionally qualified paramedics for the last 50 years - this is what I heard on the radio very clearly. The governement sees the need to improve services and is thinking about privatising. What say you? On my journey to work..I heard feedback from a few callers. A few common issues to consider..which is (well..) common sense:

  • All agreed that it's TIME to improve the services
  • Privatising will definitely improve services BUT the consumers will end up bearing the incremented cost. Can all of us afford expensive private fees?
  • Based on current / previous privatising projects i.e. LRT, Public buses....none of them are really successful. In most cases, the goverment ended up picking up bits and pieces eventually. Will the same happen again?
  • Privatising is a good idea BUT who/ which / what organisation gets the tender is another very critical issue (???) In other words, the process of the tender HAS to be done fairly and correctly.

Meanwhile, make sure you don't get yourself into an emergency (?)

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  1. I heard the local universities came up with courses for paramedics a few years back.. guess it's time to 'lauch' this project.. now that this first batch of paramedics are graduating. advance jugak ah their planning..

  2. I think our government always like to plan, but when it comes to implementation..........most of the time it fails!!!
