Sunday, November 15, 2009

Slightly Worried

sigh. I have not even decided if I should go back to the clinic about the stomach there's something else to worry about --__--

My annual checkup at optimax revelaed that my optic nerves are slightly thicker than normal and it s now even thicker then the previous year.  Thickening optic nerves can eventually result in glaucoma

Secondly, checks also detected that my retinal is relatively thinner than normal.  Thinning retinal may eventually result in detachment or tear of the retinal.

The lattter is less worrying as I have not experience any symptons like seeing flashes, spots..the common symptoms of retianl tear or detachment but was advised that I should go to the clinic immediately if I experience any of the symptoms.

As for is not confirmed yet..need to schedule for further test. 


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  1. Oh dear sound serious. This time I think you better heed the doc's advice and go back for check up so that the problems can be treated before they become worse

  2. Retinal detachment can be very serious too. Must keep monitoring... Take Care!

  3. ya..mus ask Kevin what the 'flies' look like :p
