Monday, March 01, 2010

Back to reality

I've developed a bad habit lately of surfing in my bedroom..instead of in the living room.  Why not..since there's hardly anything to watch on TV anyways and my sleeping dad won't allow to change channels..yes..sleeping but he wakes up within 5 mins everytime I change the channels...and starts snoring in another 5 mins time.

Been lazy to blog lately. that CNY and all other festivities are officially over and done with.  What is there left to do in life!

Oh..I just increased the zoom on my screen to 150% I can see so clearly now eventhough I am half lying down. Should have done it sooner!

So..I was that all the festivities are over..what do we do to make life more interesting huh??


December, January & February was like a fairy tale.  One festive after another, one outing after another, gatherings, meals, I even went for a short holiday in February and the recent CNY of course.  Bliss! really does feel a little miserable..huuuh.

It's time to get back to normal routine. *Dragging my feet*  I kind of hate it when people ask me questions like .."so how's life..what have you been doing?"

I will go ..."ermmmm...nothing?"

Seriously..apart from going to work, gym and meeting life is One Straight Line. Terribly boring ..I know.

Oh least a little something will be happening this month.  I signed up for a 10km Marathon!  Roar!!  What a way to start the Year of a Tiger eh? 

On March 27th I will be at The Energizer Night Race

You may not think so..but it's kind of a big deal for me..cos I never liked running.  I used to cry like a baby when my dad forced me to run with him at the Titiwangsa lake ;P

Other short term goal will be none other than getting my new becoming old house done up!

Ya ya ya...I've said this many times. I'm not gonna say much...until it's done and I will post pics to prove.

Meanwhile..I'm going to sleep.

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  1. Hehe same here... but we have to beat it nonetheless :) Some experts' advice on how to survive the post-holiday blues:

    Let us look forward to the new year!

  2. Yeah u better get ur house done up...........just a reminder, it's already March. U still hv 10 mths to get ur task accomplished ;)
