Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Being poor

I've been following tweets from the Quotegarden, before this I'd like to go to their website to look for motivational or inspirational quotes when I need ..some.

Today's tweet says:
"The poor man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without a dream." ~Harry Kemp

Got me thinking...real hard.

When I was little, we lived in a small one room flat, all five of us, sometimes six or seven when aunt or grandpa comes to visit.  The living room is transform-able and multipurpose, from a dining area, to homework area, to play area and night time will be of course be the sleeping area.  TV was a passed down black & white model until much later..when dad finally bought a Sharp colour after the old TV broke down.  Furniture was also passed down ..until much later.  Yupe..we weren't that well off but I would like to think that we were still better off than most families.  Mom and Dad always made sure we had full nutritious meals. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Then, we were relatively poor, not that well off, I guess.  Did we have a Dream?  Mom did.  That's why she saved so hard and eventually bought a bigger house. This current house that we are living in right now...is from her strong determination to save up every single cent she could keep aside from their relatively little & hard earned income.  She saved for many many many years. 

After moving here..she had another Dream of transforming this relatively humble house into a bigger and better renovated home.  Unfortunately she didn't live long enough to fullfill that Dream.  Sadly, no one took over to live her Dream on.

Sigh.  If only I'm like her.  I'm ..such a slob..comparatively.  Here I am earning a superbly relatively better income compared to them, spending luxuriously of branded stuff, stylish car..Chose to spend unproductive time at the gym and eating out instead of looking after this old house AND leaving the new house unattended to.

What are my Dreams?


i m poor!
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  1. There is a diffrence between poor and being broke. Being broke is a temporary situation, one which you can change to make things more bearable. Being poor, however, is a mindset. To get out of it, you have got to change your mindset. And it has nothing to do with how much you earn.

    I did not come up with this, the books I read did ; )

  2. I wouldnt tink of it as poor or broke.. but I would like to see it as temporary set back whether in terms if financial or mental. You just have to kick start something somewhere at some point.
