Thursday, September 04, 2008


Gosh...I feel like I just came out of a tornado. I even think I am trembling slightly right now. Firstly, I woke up not feeling very good this morning. When the morning stretches and shower did not help...I thought some coffee will do good. Obviously that was a bad call.

And..I also thought I could settle down a bit in the office..expecting today to be a relatively quiet day - both work and personal matters. Wrong again. Almost at the same time...I had to deal with unpleasant news from all angles.

My bro updated me that Danial's baby sitter is seriously ill with multiple health problems. As if that is not bad enough, she also had to deal with hefty medical bills cos her original insurance lapsed all because she thought she had signed up with another friend who was suppose to have enrolled her new policy and DID NOT DO SO. Damn...double damn...

At the same time..SY finally found time to update that her dad has been in the hospital last few days. Although, everything's under control but it still took me a while to sink it in. Will try to pay a visit later this evening since I am nearby.

Work usual....same old issues. Issues that are beyond me but hovering around me like a huge pieces of dark clouds. I am pretty convinced that they will not ever go away, in fact I will be damn lucky if they don't get thicker and heavier and eventually fall onto me! so..what do i do! Move away from the clouds obviously. Though, there will be clouds no matter where i work...but different types of clouds. It's better to work with clouds that are within my reach ...clouds that I can clear pretty easily within my own capacity.

I think I am feeling better now..blogging helps :) I will survive. Just like any other day. May be I will go to the gym in the evening to shake off the lousy thoughts. I found a new love at the gym. Gotcha! If you are thinking I met de man I love - wrong again! Heee....heee's just that I discovered that I actually like going to the Body Combat classes. Kind of tough for my aging joints...but loving every bit of it.

UPDATE: Just when I was begining to find my rhythm another bad news. A friend has been diagnosed with cancer. Damn!
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  1. Yes going to gym will definitely help as exercise will make u feel better. I used to go to Body Combat class too and I enjoyed it. Now I can't coz of my slipped disc.

    I hope your friend will be OK. Tell your friend to stay positive always :).

    Hang in there's just another day. tomorrow will be BETTER I am sure :)

  2. Tomorrow will always be better :) doing something u like will really helps ...

  3. take it easy, today the sun shines again ; )
