Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cholesterol Free!

Previous years....every annual medical screen showed that abnormal cholestrol level.  Was particularly disappointed last year..cos I started taking oats and / or brown rice powder for breakfast and was also actively going to the gym.  See previous year entry HERE

Ta da...!  This year all readings looks perfect :D

Looks like the daily spoonful of oats & brown rice powder in my morning drink works after all....ya,.after like 2 years. 

And the diligent trips to the gym seems to work after all...ya..after two years.

Conclusion..don't give up easily lor.

Let's see what will next year's reading be like ;

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1 comment:

  1. Good for you. Keep it up!!!

    I also just got my health report, my cholesterol still a bit high but better than last year. So my new year resolution is to eat more healthy food, eat more oats and go to gym more diligently.

    Here's to 2010 & GOOD Health :)
