Saturday, December 05, 2009

I passed the Visual Field Test

I passed :-)
I don't have glaucoma.

The test only took about 30 mins and it costs me RM150 -.-
I think my dad took a similar test for free -.- but he complained that he didn't understand what he was supposed to do.

Now I know why he said that!


Visual field tests assess the potential presence of blind spots (scotomas), which could indicate eye diseases. A blind spot in the field of vision can be linked to a variety of specific eye diseases, depending on the size and shape of the scotoma.

Many eye and brain disorders can cause visual field abnormalities. For example, optic nerve damage caused by glaucoma creates a very specific visual field defect. Other vision problems associated with blind spots developing within the visual field include optic nerve damage (optic neuropathy) from disease or toxic exposure or damage to the light-sensitive inner lining of the eye (retina).

Various forms of automated perimetry tests measure your responses to the presence of objects in different areas of your field of view. While your head is held still, usually with a chin rest inside a large bowl-like instrument, you stare (fixate) on a source of light straight ahead. A series of random lights of different intensities are flashed in your peripheral field of vision. You then press a button or use other means to indicate your response when you perceive the computer-generated light suddenly appearing in your field of view. If you are unable to see objects in an appropriate portion of your field of view, then you may have a blind spot indicating vision loss.

The above is what I had to do.  Pic below for illustration.

So..I can understand why my dad had difficulties. There's no way an elderly person is able to react under such circumstances.

Bsically, one has to keep focus on a yellow light as 'big' no bigger than a medium sized mole and at the same time pay attention to random 'white blinking spots' appearing all over at various the peripheral zones, bottom,left, right, top right, top left..basically everywhere except the middle.  And we can't focus or follow the blinks...or we will have to repeat the test all over again.  Oh..the 'blink' are not abvious most of the time..ver very small spot...sometiems..appear and disappear within half a second.  And each time we 'see' one..we have to press the button on a device we were given to hold on to.

haha..just like playing computer games.

I think all my previous computer games and playstation experience helped alot :D

The above is amy RM150 result.

Not that I know what it means but according to the doctor indication that I have any defects in my side vision...hence no glaucoma. 

As for the retinal, he says is common for people with long history of short sightedness to have a relativel thinner retinal.  It is also normal to see floaters i.e. flies on and off.  If there is really a tear or hole in the retinal..the floaters will be there permanently.

In conclusion, I am as good as new for now :-)

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