Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009

Was so tired the night before that I slept around 11pm..may be even earlier.  Guess what..I was awake at 6am! @#$%*&  Tossed and turned but still couldn't get back to I got up, log on, surfed for a while...then went back to bed and fell asleep again

Only woke up three hours later..dazed.

Left the house around 10.30 ..headed to the tyre shop to get a second opinion about my car.  Will talk about that in next post..if I feel like it.

Had brunch around 11.30 at Bayu Timor, TamanMegah.  Just a quiet simple breakfast with a scone, a chicken pie and Latte..alone.

But it was mistake.  I should have drove straight to Mid Valley as I need to meet up with Chris to go 'ingredients' shopping for our Christmas Eve masak-masak dinner. 

I arrived at MV around 1pm....and as usual..the road was congested.

Wrong decision..should have drove straight to MV..and have my brunch there.  Shucks!  I didn't even bother going into the car the indicators showed that all parking zones were FULL.

I went to Bangsar Village instead.  Relatively..small..but I don't care..bettter than getting all stressed up in MV car parks.

I only needed a place to chill fro a while waiting for Chris to get off work.

Bangsar Village's not too bad..small and easy to browse.  In less than 10 mins after stepping into it, I spotted some boots that I liked at Aldo.  I never saw anything I liked in must be a special day ..hehe..unfortunately.they didn't have the right size :(

Saw the above at the Ted Baker store.  Thought the deco was so cute...although I didn't understand what has Fitness gotta do with ted Baker..until I saw the tag line when I was loading this photo ~ "Be a lean present giving machine"..haha.

Chris arrived at around 3pm.  I had a quick lunch at Chatterbox..before heading to Village Grocer to hunt for our ingredients.

Actually..we didn't have to buy much ..Chris' wonderful mom had gotten almost all.99% of the steamboat ingredients we decided to make tom yam for fun. 

Raw Ingredients.

Ta daa...home made tom yam from natural ingredients.  No paste.

Of coure the hero of the day is the steamboat courtesy of Chris' mom.  Yummy!

All gone. 

What do these look like to you?

Siew mai anyone?

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1 comment:

  1. The food looks so yummy :). Now looking forward to NYE do :)
