Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday going on Friday

Thursday evening yesterday..I got back to PJ from a seminar in Sg Besi much earlier than expected. On Tursdays (if I don't need to work late) I'd normally got for an early BC session before rushing back for tai ci at night. Yesterday would have been no different if not for the seminar and my troublesome ankle.
Luckily..I deliberately didn't pack the gym bag in the car...knowing that I will not be able to resist zooming to the gym whenever I have time on my hands. The seminar ended around 5.30pm and we got back in PJ around 6pm. Thanks to my colleague's intelligent Garmin navigator. With so much time on my hands..I was a little lost on what I should do with the time. It's time like start to find 'better' things to do..things that you have not been doing enough. Like reading..taking a stroll in the park, walking the dog..? Yes?

After much pondering...I decided to fetch Danial (my nephew) from his kindy. Was told that he is quite lonely and pitiful in the evening cos he is always the last to go home.
I had a lot of ideas in my mind e.g. buy KFC or sushi and bring him to the park. Unfortunately it started raining :( He was having his dinner alone in the kitchen when I got there. So well behaved and soft spoken..totally Different from the cheeky boy I know :D
But...the moment he enters the car..he transformed into the brat I knew very well. Every split second he will be doing something that makes me wanna pull my hair out..e.g. had to tell him 50 times before he buckle up, 'de-skin' my FM modulator's remote control, , etc etc etc. Thankfully, while fiddling with the remote he found a song that he likes - 2 unlimited's "Are You Ready For This" he kept repeating the song ..that kept him quiet for a few good minutes.
But..all of a sudden...he exclaimed that he needed to Pee urgently---"Coming out oridi!!" What the...! Luckily..we were on the way to the Kanna Curry House..and they have a decent toilet there. That's not all. When we got there..he decided that he needs to do his 'big business' too! WTF! And so..he had to squat instead of stand lor...I really dunno how else to help him wor. Some of you may have guessed right...he pee'd and wet his shorts cos he was squatting. Then..he decided he doesn't need to do his 'big business' after all %$#@ ..and started complaining about his wet shorts! So..we went back to the car..asked him to change back to his uniform shorts....went back to the shop...ordered and ate my roti canai..while he continued to make a mess from anything that he can get hold of.
All about an hour...I think..I grew a few more strands of grey hair and got a few more wrinkles on my forehead!
On our way home..he asked what are we doing next. I told him..we are going back to my he can wait for his daddy to come fetch him. He then asked..what I will do next? I said..I will stay at home with yea yea (grandfather).
He seems satisfied with his evening said...."I like you very much"
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  1. Your nephew is so cute ... Reminds me a little of Nic & my sis .. at times when he can't sit still in her car and she gets terribly irritated but she'll definately not survive the toilet part ...heehee

  2. Well done!! Do this more often la. Pity him to spend the evening alone in the childcare.
