Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Wealth vs. Health


just noticed that the visitors count of this blog (sitemeter top left hand corner) has just reached 10,000 ! Five figure ler. It will be good if that's my salary. Do you have a five figure salary? Some of you may have achieved it by now..but I haven't ler.

Is money really that important? It is some extent. But then..$$ can't buy happiness ..can it? With $$ I can have my dream cars, branded stuff, comfy house, join a gym...etc etc. Whenever I buy something I like..I get some sense of satisfaction - retail therapy. But how long will these kind of happiness last? One may have lotsa money..but without health, good friends, family..$$ may not mean anything. the saying can't bring $$ into the coffin. So how...

Sorry...I am rambling aimlessly again. As usual..didn't have anything in particular to talk about .. ..just letting my thoughts dictate this post. Just read someone's blog entry...about her mom's passing just before CNY after a long battle with cancer. Touched me. Reminded me of my mom's passing. That explains my rambling mode today :) solution is..don't think so much. Thinking makes one age faster :p Just live a good life. Be a nice person. Be kind to yourself. Live with no regrets. Love your loved ones. Be grateful. Live healthily..ermm...define healthy? Divert abit...I had several 'arguments' with fafa. She likes to drink while I like to work out. When I advice her about drinking too much...she will say that drinking is her hobby..just like how I like to work out *hmm* When I shared with her an inspirational blog entry on '100 list of things to do' (which is so cool)...fafa said - "if I have a of the item..would be to make WSL an alcoholic' HA HA!

Believe it or not..I've been enjoying drinking. Had a drink with Mag n fafa on friday and tonight meet again and Sunday nite..Drink again with busybee to celebrate her 'freedom' from confinement ..expesive hobby to have le. can not to have $$ .

By the way, I survived RPM-BC last night :) Was abit apprehensive at the beginning of the RPM session...but all went well. This time well prepared -- energy bar, UHT milk, Corn in cup and isotonic drink :D

Hmm..not too bad a post this turn out to be...even got a title :)


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  1. Hehehehe look like fafa is getting her wish of turning you into alchoholic ;)

  2. hehehe .. it is easier to turn people into unhealthy habit than healthy habit =P
