Tuesday, January 06, 2009

About Time & Love

Good Morning.

Life is slowly getting back to normal routine. A little mundane. Chasing time day in day out. Chasing time to reach the office. Chasing time to kill as many tasks as possible. Chasing time to blog in between (*blink*) Chasing time to rest/ eat. Chasing time to play. Chasing time to be home with love ones. So stress ler.

Am a little sleepy this morning. The coffee doesn't seem to be working.

I managed to attend another RPM yesterday. Even more enjoyable this time :) As usual..chased time...zoomed into the gym to be on time for the class...and then zoomed to be back home..grabbed dinner and zoomed to tai ci and lastly zoomed home to shower, have a little alone time and snoozeeee....

I can really go all out to do / get something when I have the passion for it. Someone was telling me about a little hiccup in his/her relationship...he/she thinks she is getting a little bored with it. I'm not in any position to give any advice about the subject mattter cos' I have yet to fall in love with anyone before (so sad!). Does my handsome little nephew count?

I only know that when I find love/ passion for something....I will really go all out to do it regardless of whether it is rain or shine. If only I can fall in love so easily to men just like how I fall for cars....I would have plenty of boyfriends & husbands :D But my friend here is saying that...with a human being is different..Quote: "fall in love with things is simpler than fall in love with human ... falling in love with things depends on oneself but falling in love with human needs efforts from both side ..."UnQuote

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  1. FY - where gto CHim..you do not agree meh?

  2. time is something we cannot buy... the way we spend time reflects the significance of a person / matter to us, at any point of time. so it's silly not to spend it wisely, making ourselves / someone else happy... (i think when we work, we are making clients happy, so, considered OK kua..) trying justify the long working hours... *sign*

  3. Yeah lucky you don't fall in love so ezly like you fall in love with cars!!! Otherwise every few mths got new bf...........hahaha
