Monday, January 12, 2009

RPM - in my humble opinion

I've just attended my fourth RPM session (excluding the 1st torturous one about 3 years ago). Think it's time for me to have an entry just for it.

RPM stands for Raw Power in Motion.
It is a 50-minute indoor cycling class based on outdoor riding. You ride to inspirational music over the equivalent of 20-25 kilometres of varied terrain, controlling the intensity of your workout with a resistance dial and pedal speed.

Increase your cardiovascular fitness, burn fat and tone and shape your legs, hips, and butt
Increase leg strength and muscular endurance without building bulk
Burn up to 600 calories in a normal 50-minute structure

(RPM™ has been proven to burn up to 800 calories in one hour)
Release endorphins to give you that natural high and leave you feeling fantastic


In each session, I can't help but felt amazingly electrifyingly motivated but at the same time abit amused to be in the same room with a bunch of 'outdoor cyclists' wanna-be. Well....we are very much Indoor...but each session is designed to stimulate an outdoor riding experience..together with mountains and highway etc!

The songs are also real only i.e. riding up a mountain kononnya. For example..I love this....riding up a mountain to this song by Simple Plan - Take my Hand:

And this..imagine riding on a highway to the sound of this :

Cascada - A Neverending Dream

See below A typical RPM Class Structure..and you will know what I mean:

1.Warm up
2. Pace - speed and intensity increase as you work towards your top personal pace. The road is flat until you encounter a small hill designed to warm up the climbing muscles.

3. Hills -this is the first set of hill climbs which will increase your leg strength and endurance.

4. Mixed Terrain - short recovery, then stay in the working zone through a series of short climbs, fast descents and sprints.
5. Intervals - like a cycling time trial designed to cover the most amount of distance in the shortest possible time.
6. Free Spin -picture a flat open road where you will ride at your top pace with light resistance.
7. Mountain Climb - the road starts out easy but quickly climbs as you strive to reach your full potential.

8. Ride Home - Finish the journey and ride home together. Recovery is the name of the game.
9. Stretch - A final stretch to complete the workout.

MK warned me not to sit behind any men cos I may end up being 'rained' by their perspiration :D But sitting behind them motivates me more..not to give up. Ya..indeed we sweat alot and it's satisfying :)
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