Thursday, September 24, 2009

One of Those Days

Ai ya..can't help it la. I feel so emo today. One of those days again...where it feels like there's a huge rock on my chest and I can't really breath properly. Didn't sleep well too :(

Why like that? I don't know. May be I do. A few things la..personal, work...supposedly minor..but it matters when one is emotionally fragile ....hehe. Hormones? Life?

H E L P...

Here's something on Law of Attraction :

Practice the attitude of gratitude the minute you wake up. Nothing can be a better caffeine kick than happiness so why not start your day with this Law of Attraction exercise: remember all the wonderful things you are (or ought to be) grateful for. Even on a subconscious level, a lot of people live as if they are 'victims' instead of 'drivers' of life. Avoid this trap by starting each day with thoughts of how great and beautiful your life is at the moment. This mental exercise will 'set the stage' of more beautiful things to come.

Pay it forward. The universe is not all about you. The Law of Attraction is based on the universal law of cause and effect and nothing can be more positively powerful than doing a good deed for someone. You don't have to go out and save lives but simple things such as helping an elderly cross the street or lift something, or help someone who's lost in your area can do wonders on two levels: firstly, you WILL feel good about yourself and if you're happy, the universe will smile back at you in one form or another; secondly, the person you assisted will think happy thoughts of you too further attracting positive vibes!

Align your outer world with your inner world. As mentioned in the movie The Secret, you cannot cheat the universe. Even if you think or say you're ready for happiness and success, the way you live, dress and act is the true measure. So synchronize your intentions and your actions. For instance, if you want that better-paying job, don't just wish for it; act on it! Prepare a knock-out resume, network with other people, change your wardrobe and dress for success, improve the appearance of your smile and more! Life success is not handed out, it is the end based on your means.

End the day with 'happy thoughts'! At the end of the day, do this simple Law of Attraction exercise: imagine yourself living a certain 'moment'. For example, in the romance department, close your eyes and envision that romantic dinner with your special someone (regardless if you already have a special someone or not!). Is your goal to purchase a new home? Close your eyes and picture yourself tending the garden at the back of your new home or sitting down and reading a book in your new home's living room. Remember, what you think about... you bring about.


Do I feel better now? Slightly.

Sorry..if i'd spoil your day too.

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